New Vehicles that are used by a dealership for the purpose of demonstrating the various characteristics and qualities of that vehicle or a similar make and model are often referred to as a Demonstrator or a Demo. If however, the manufacturer or dealership uses a vehicle for their own internal purposes, the vehicle is often referred to as an Executive Car or a Brass Hat. More loosely used a Program Car could refer to an "Executive Car" or a "Demo", but more often refers to a Prior Rental Car, Loan Vehicle, a Fleet Vehicle or even an Off-Lease Vehicle.
When a new vehicle that was operated by any factory or dealership representative is sold to a retail buyer, the vehicle is considered used and must be disclosed to the buyer as such. The dealership that sells this Executive Vehicle or Factory Demo is not allowed to not describe the vehicle as new in any way and if they choose to advertise the vehicle, then they must clearly and conspicuously disclose the previous use of the vehicle as a Demonstrator, Demo, Executive Vehicle, Brass Hat, Service Vehicle, or Program Car.
In disclosing the vehicle as a Demonstrator or an Executive Vehicle, the dealership must give the buyer a Certificate of Used Vehicle (REG 496) to sign and may not charge the buyer any portion of the licensing fees that were paid by the dealership to register the Demonstrator. A signature on the Certificate of Used Vehicle cannot be signed by power of attorney and the selling dealership must disclose the remaining amount or factory warranty.
If you suspect that your vehicle was an Undisclosed Demonstrator, Executive Vehicle, Brass Hat, Service Vehicle or Program Car, Then give us a call at (888) 536-6628 or fill out our FREE Vehicle Evaluation Form to quickly find out what consumer protection rights you are entitled to, and discuss your legal options.